Investigation groups


Eugènia Negredo

Head of HIV Section – Doctor and Researcher

Oriol Mitjà

Head of Community infection control strategies

Lluïsa Pedro-Botet

Co-Head of Section for Immunosuppressed Patients and Head of Severe Bacterial Infections – Doctor and Researcher

Lourdes Mateu

Head of COVID-19 Section – Doctor and Researcher

Sílvia Roure

Head of the International Health and Neglected Diseases Section – Doctor and Researcher

Yovaninna Alarcón


Lucía Bailón

Doctor and Researcher

Susana Benet

Doctor and Researcher

Rosa Benítez

Doctor and Researcher

Laia Bertran

Knowledge translation coordinator

Carme Bracke

Doctor and Researcher

Sara Buezo

Postdoctoral Researcher

Vira Buhiichyk

Support Researcher

José M. Cabrera

PrEP Point Doctor

Anna Chamorro

Lead Study Coordinator - CTU

Javier Corral

Proctologist Doctor

Javier Díez de los Ríos


Patricia Echevarría

Doctor and Researcher

Roser Escrig


Sergio España

Doctor and Researcher

Carla Estany

Dietitian and Nutritionist

Elia Fernández Pedregal


Josep Ferrer

Doctor and Researcher

Olga García

Doctor and Researcher

Sergi Gavilán

Project Assistant

Camila González

Postdoctoral Researcher

Diana Hernández


Toni Jou

Doctor and Researcher

Gemma Lladós

Doctor and Researcher

Josep M. Llibre

Doctor and Researcher

Cora Loste

Doctor and Researcher

Mariusz Lucejko

PrEP Point Doctor

Adrià Mendoza

Doctor and Researcher

Pepe Moltó

Doctor and Researcher

Víctor Morillas

Doctor and Researcher

Beatriz Mothe

Doctor and Researcher

Susana Muñoz

Doctor and Researcher

José A. Muñoz-Moreno

Psychologist and Researcher

Ana Peris

Doctor and Researcher

Anna Prats

Neuropsychologist and Researcher

Boris Revollo

Doctor and Researcher

Esteban Reynaga

Doctor and Researcher

Àngel Rivero

PrEP Point Doctor

Carmina Rodríguez

Clinical Psychologist and Researcher

Alba Romero

Doctor and Researcher

Sofía Sabato

Doctor and Researcher

José Ramon Santos

Doctor and Researcher

Guille Sirera

Doctor and Researcher

Laura Soldevila

Doctor and Researcher

Nieves Sopena

Doctor and Researcher

Lluís Valerio

Doctor and Researcher

Martí Vall

Doctor and Researcher

Xavier Vallès

Doctor and Researcher

Pedro Puerta

Head of Section for Immunosuppressed Patients – Doctor and Researcher