We signed an agreement with the Government of Catalonia that accredits us as a centre of reference in the molecular study of legionella outbreaks in Catalonia.
We fight infections caused by bacteria that result in high mortality as well as serious clinical complications. At the same time, we pay special attention to resistant germs, to antibiotics and to the study of infections whose origin lies in the environment and in the animal kingdom.
The objective of the group is to carry out clinical research projects to minimise the impact of infections caused by resistant bacteria such as: legionellosis, pneumonia acquired in the community and in hospitals, or infective endocarditis. We pay special attention to the resistance to antibiotics that bacteria are creating as it is becoming a serious threat to health around the world.
We signed an agreement with the Government of Catalonia that accredits us as a centre of reference in the molecular study of legionella outbreaks in Catalonia.
We evaluated a preventive strategy for pneumonia, which allows us to reduce its incidence thanks to the application of a series of measures aimed at preventing bronchoaspiration.
Thanks to the UNNIM grant, we evaluated the colonisation of the MRSA microorganism in farms in the Osona area. This ended up becoming the embryo of the “One Health” line of research, which focuses on colonisation by multi-resistant bacteria in farm animals and its relationship with infections in humans.
We created the Serious Bacterial Infections Unit to tackle these diseases from a multidisciplinary perspective.
We focus on the study of the clinical, epidemiological and molecular aspects of legionellosis.
We research new biocides for the treatment of potable water (sanitary water) and non-potable water (from cooling systems).
We are working on the development of a prospective database that includes the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with infective endocarditis admitted to Hospital Germans Trias.
We collaborate with cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and microbiologists in order to address the various challenges posed by this disease which, despite the advances in its diagnosis and treatment, continues to have very high rates of morbidity and mortality.
A new project is currently being considered to study the causes and development of nosocomial pneumonia (acquired in the hospital setting) and its relationship with the risk factors of oropharyngeal colonisation caused by resistant microorganisms in hospitalised patients.
This line is dedicated to the study of multi-resistant microorganisms involved in animal-human-animal transmission.
Active projects study its prevalence in the meat industry, in the general population and the evolution of infected patients.
Recently, the group has designed a multicentre study with the Hospital de Vic to uncover the importance of wastewater as a reservoir of infections by multi-resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
Doctor and Researcher
Doctor and Researcher
Co-Head of Section for Immunosuppressed Patients and Head of Severe Bacterial Infections – Doctor and Researcher
We need your support to continue conducting independent clinical research with the aim of treating and curing people with an infectious disease.