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New Study on Mental Health in People with Long COVID: How Can a Group Psychological Intervention Help?

New Study on Mental Health in People with Long COVID: How Can a Group Psychological Intervention Help?

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a deep mark on the health of many people. Even today, many patients continue to suffer the effects of the infection months or even years after overcoming the acute phase of the disease. This condition, known as Long COVID or post-COVID syndrome, affects the physical and mental well-being of thousands of people worldwide.

In an effort to find new strategies to improve the quality of life for these individuals, the Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions, in collaboration with Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, has received an international grant from Pfizer to launch the Wellbeing Long COVID Study—a pioneering project that evaluates the effectiveness of a group psychological intervention for people with Long COVID.

The study is led by Carmina Rodríguez Fumaz, a clinical psychologist at Germans Trias Hospital and a researcher at the Fight Infections Foundation.

What is Long COVID, and how does it affect mental health?

Many people who have had COVID-19 experience persistent symptoms for months or even years. These may include extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, brain fog, and sleep disorders. However, beyond the physical effects, Long COVID also has a significant emotional impact.

According to various studies, many people with Long COVID experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder at significantly higher rates than the general population.

This psychological distress not only affects mental health but also hinders overall recovery and reintegration into daily life and work. That is why it is essential to explore new strategies that help manage the emotional impact of this condition.

What does the study involve?

The Wellbeing Long COVID Study is a pilot study designed to assess whether a group psychological intervention can improve the emotional well-being of people with Long COVID. The study includes 20 participants, divided into two groups:

  • Group 1: Participation in an 8-week group psychological intervention, with weekly sessions. The intervention covers topics such as body awareness, emotional expression, self-esteem, and self-compassion, among others.
  • Group 2: Regular medical follow-up without specific psychological intervention.

Throughout the study, researchers will evaluate the impact of the intervention on anxiety and depression levels, resilience, and coping strategies. Additionally, the participants’ satisfaction with the group intervention will be assessed.

What do we hope to achieve with this study?

The main goal is to determine whether group psychological intervention improves the emotional state of affected individuals compared to standard medical follow-up.

If the effectiveness of this intervention is confirmed, it could become a key therapeutic tool for many people living with Long COVID.

This research highlights the importance of addressing Long COVID from a holistic perspective, where mental health and emotional support play a fundamental role in the recovery process.

Participation and Next Steps

This study represents an important first step in understanding how group psychological interventions can help people with Long COVID. If positive results are obtained, the research will be expanded to include a larger number of participants, and this intervention could be integrated into healthcare services for individuals with Long COVID.

At the Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions, we remain committed to providing scientific answers and effective solutions to improve the quality of life for people affected by Long COVID.

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