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We open up the doors of our Foundation to you →
Different governing bodies and committees ensure compliance with the Foundation’s objectives:
Its role is to ensure compliance with the founding objectives:
Its members are representatives of different areas of society.
Its role is executive and it makes decisions on all aspects of the Foundation’s operation. The Governing Board is made up of the President, the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and the Manager.
Research Committee: it is in charge of directing the Foundation at a scientific level and is made up of Dr Clotet, those responsible for the lines of research and the coordinators of clinical trials.
Strategic Committee: it defines and monitors the Foundation’s lines of work specified in strategic plans. It is made up of representatives of all the professionals and part of the entity’s Board of Trustees.
Quality Committee: made up of representatives of all the Foundation’s professionals, it ensures compliance with the Quality Policy and coordinates the application of the ISO standard.
At the Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions we have a five-year Strategic Plan where our objectives and actions applicable to each line of work are defined.
Quality and continuous improvement are key to the Foundation’s strategy. For this reason, we have been certified by the ISO 9001 standard since 2006.
The Quality Department works together with the different teams reviewing procedures and protocols, analysing incidents and applying improvement actions with the aim of maintaining the quality standards set in the areas of care, research and teaching. The monitoring of indicators is systematic, strict and motivates the entire team to continue improving day after day
The Foundation’s income comes from two main sources:
The former is considered structural income and the provision of services is considered income from activities.
Data referring to 2023